Transform your Career by Becoming a Certified NLP Master Trainer Ready to Train Trainers to become Trainers?

Welcome to the one of a kind Corporate & NLP Master Trainer Certification program, where you get the chance to unlock the full potential of your training career.
Working hard as a coach and trainer but not yet created your desired income yet? Tired of small engagements and temporary contracts here and there, wishing to kick start your career anew? Accumulated lots of training and even certificates but not adjusted to global standards yet?
Our Master Trainer Success Track helps you to become successful on all levels. Learn to become a trainer and perhaps also a Master Trainer, who attracts participants to your courses. It is not just about the ability to speak well in front of audiences but to capture your viewer and listener in a way they want to stay with you and go with you all the way.
Fragmented success but no long-lasting plan? Do you know and feel that your are not expressing your full potential?
This Master Trainer Success Track provides you support with your selling, marketing and business skills in a way your work as a coach, trainer and master trainer will bring increased income and serve you with success. Conscious Solutions platform is a place where trainers get advertised, receive access to potential students and receive high level triple internationally certified degrees and licenses.
Missing a structure for flying higher? Ready to go to the next level and finally excel?
Getting training contracts and serving one crowd at one time, or one company for one year, is a great achievement. Thinking of your future, wouldn’t it be required to train the ones you have trained in many courses or on many levels so they now also become trainers?
If you are able to train trainers and gain international certification to also certify them internationally – you can close your circle of success.
If you have not completed our, or any, 12-day Trainer Training you can still attend Master Trainer. Join the 3 day “The Bridge” program and fulfil requirements for Master Trainer.